MALDIVES, July 07-15, 2025

New intake of students at MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL.

New intake of students at MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL

From January 24th until February 28th we are opening registration for 6-14 year old students who want to become entrepreneurs and learn how to run a business.

Below we answer the most popular questions from parents:

Q: How can I enrol my child?
All future MINIBOSS students will be invited to an interview, in which they need to demonstrate if attending our school is something they really want, and why.
Only conscientious students with the intention to do well in life will study in our school, which is critical for creating a supportive and motivating environment among peers. This is one of the most powerful developmental stimuli we offer – a strong team of like-minded aspiring entrepreneurs.

Q: When will I start seeing evidence that your school is good for my child?
Parents of MINIBOSS students notice positive changes in their children in the first year of study, as early as in the first 3 months. Children start asking important questions, showing initiative and noticing opportunities. The timeframe does, however, depend on each student, on how strong their views are, how open they are to alternative ways of thinking, and how supportive their family environment is. We can discuss this with you after the interview, once we meet your child in person.

MINIBOSS is a brand #1 of business education
Q: How is your school different from other schools and courses?
Firstly, we offer a comprehensive program that aims to develop your child’s full potential. It means that we do not just provide knowledge in specific areas such as finance, leadership or project management. If this is all you’re after, we’re not the right option for you. While we cover 18 subjects during our 8-year program, our main goal is to help you bring up a confident person, enhance and develop his/her creativity, emotional intelligence, calculated risk taking, and other qualities that form our holistic approach, which we believe are necessary for becoming a well-rounded successful individual.

Secondly, our education method is based on games and interactive learning practices. Our students learn new information in a fun and engaging environment, which doesn’t feel like learning in the traditional sense offered by the main-stream schools. It increases the children’s motivation to know and do more, and this method also provides the most effective way of absorbing and recalling new information.

Thirdly, we have a very strong focus on practical and real-life experiences. We don’t just teach how to start a business, we introduce your children to successful entrepreneurs who’ve done it many times before, we coach your children while they’re creating their own start-ups, and we give them opportunities to pitch their ideas in a competitive environment. Practising the new skills and knowledge by our students over and over each year is another critical factor of why our program is so successful in raising entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Moreover, one of our core values is about supporting family values. We see parents and close relatives playing a very important role in a child’s upbringing, and we encourage and expect parents to engage in our program. Often children will be given homework that requires them to ask parents questions and have discussions on important life topics. Secondly, we offer parental summits and coaching programs, which help parents create a supportive environment for their young entrepreneurs, an environment which fosters their curiosity. This teaches them to appreciate their family values and close bonds, and how they form a foundation for a successful career and life in general.

While there are many other advantages of our school compared to other offers in the area of entrepreneurship and business for kids and teens, the one we want to emphasise in conclusion is that our methodology and has been developed and refined over 20 years across different nations. We are proud of our more than 5,000 MINIBOSS graduates, most of whom have become successful entrepreneurs and business leaders by the time they finished the school, leading their own ventures or managing family or other businesses. Everything we do as part of our program is aimed to make our graduates competent and confident to realise their dreams. In more practical terms, our graduates significantly outperform their peers who didn’t study at MINIBOSS, and often leave behind their more “mature and experienced” counterparts. The experience our graduates gain in the MINIBOSS business school puts them ahead of the competition and enables them to more effectively choose their own career path.

Q: When will my child start making money?
From as early as 6 years of age! As soon as your child starts our program, he/she will create a start-up by the end of the first year.

Q: Really?? Does it mean my 6-year old can start paying for his/her education after the first year?
It is possible, and it has been done! Of course, it depends on how viable the business idea of your child is. While we guide our young entrepreneurs through all stages of forming a start-up, we do not push our ideas on them. If your child is onto a winning idea, they’ll be on their way to building their financial wealth straight away. But this is not the point. The main objective of our program is for children to practise creating start-ups, at least 1 every year. Not all of them will become great success stories, and this is exactly the point: for children to learn from real-life experience, real-life lessons, in an environment of minimal risk and maximum support.

When they’re ready to leave the school, they’ll know how to cope with stress, how to work with people, how to see unsuccessful attempts in a positive way, and how to find alternative ways to achieve what they want. Our program is not about making money. Our program will help your child become adaptable in any environment, to realise their dreams, and the financial wealth will become just a side-effect of their freedom.

educational innovation

Q: Why does it take so long to learn business in your school? Why is it better than shorter business courses?
We see the path of becoming a successful entrepreneur as a process, which is at least as complex as learning a language and the culture of people who speak it. It takes years of regular practice to master all forms of language application (reading, writing and speaking), and then it takes more years to acquire the accent of the native speakers, to understand the subtleties of idioms, and to become fluent in the style of speaking that fits the culture of the native speakers. Only then, and only a few, can go further and achieve an outstanding mastery of the language and become celebrated authors and poets.

Entrepreneurship is similar in this way, that although you can learn basic concepts in a short period of time, it’s critical to continue practising it regularly and continue learning more subtle and more complex aspects. Just like a 1-month overseas language course will not transform a person into a native-speaker, short business and entrepreneurship courses give only fragments of skills, which fade away with time if not practised and mastered continuously.

We offer a unique opportunity for your children to live and breathe entrepreneurship in a systematic way in an environment of like-minded peers across the world, and to be motivated and inspired by real-life examples. This is not something that a short course can do.

Q: What do you provide other than educational information?
One of the critical factors that enables the achievement of great results in business and life is the network.

Our business school network connects 22 countries around the world. These are strong contacts, not only among students, but also with parents, educators, coaches, and socially responsible entrepreneurs who want to help your children realise their dreams.

Business camps, international forums and annual championships provide unique opportunities for finding business partners and mentors for your child’s future business opportunities. Masterclasses and business tours significantly expand your child’s horizons beyond the environment provided by family and friends.

While we provide the knowledge, it is only a small part of our program. Providing knowledge is like providing just a vehicle. In addition to the vehicle, we offer training tracks, arrange races, present successful race drivers who share their experiences, and we are opening roads your child would not have thought to drive down otherwise.

Q: Why do you run your courses on weekends? Can they be scheduled mid-week or done online?
We believe that in order to achieve the best possible results (and that’s what we want for all our students), children need to be well-rested and ready for highly stimulating mental activity. After the main-stream school classes finish, children’s brains are already drained, and they are not able to fully engage and learn as much as they do when they arrive fresh in the morning.

With regards to an online learning option, while online courses have been proven to be effective for learning some skills, given our program’s interactive and practice-based method, it would not be very effective if offered online. A key benefit our school offers is the collaborative environment, where children learn how to be a team player, a leader, and a follower. We focus on face-to-face engagements to develop children’s emotional intelligence (EQ), which is only marginally achievable in a virtual reality. Also, children will be building start-ups with their teammates (business partners), and at an early age it is important that it’s done in a face-to-face environment to develop their collaborative abilities. Finally, it has been proven that people are more creative when they’re stimulated by others. Creativity is one of the important qualities we want our students to develop to their maximum potential, which is why face-to-face interaction cannot be substituted with a virtual environment.

Q: How much do your courses cost?
We have a number of packages, the details of which we explain after the interview with your child. It is important for us to meet your child first and understand his/her abilities and interests, so that we can offer the best value considering your specific circumstances.

New Intake