The unique MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL Programme and Methodology are the basis for a highly effective system of business education for children and teenagers.
MINIBOSS ACADEMIC PROGRAM (Know-How) is an 8-course educational plan with list of the events as a calendar plan of academic activities at a scheduled time and procedure designed, proven many times over to achieve a clear academic result: rising of outstanding personalities capable of realizing their potential for the benefit of themselves, families and the world. The ideal end result of academic impact is described by two characteristics of the graduate: successful and happy.
MINIBOSS ACADEMIC PROGRAM (Know-How) is an 8-course educational plan with list of the events as a calendar plan of academic activities at a scheduled time and procedure designed, proven many times over to achieve a clear academic result: rising of outstanding personalities capable of realizing their potential for the benefit of themselves, families and the world. The ideal end result of academic impact is described by two characteristics of the graduate: successful and happy.
To achieve this result, the MiniBoss World-Class Business Education programme is used (academic standard of MBBS/UK). The Programme consists of eight consecutive courses in business theory and 12 types of practice annually.
Each course is covered within 1 academic year (10 months). The program is implemented as a staged learning of consecutive courses that cover 18 subjects of business and social studies: economics, finance, marketing, law, project management, organisational/HR management, business operations, strategy, communication, leadership, sociology, civics/government, history, geography, psychology, business ethics, innovation and entrepreneurship. The subjects are presented in a mixed form (e.g., history, economics, sociology and psychology, all in one lesson) that gives students a realistic and practical understanding of the world.
- MINIBOSS: ABC of Economics and Entrepreneurship
- SUCCESSOR: Family Economics and Business
- CREATOR: Idea Generation & Creativity
- MERCHANT: Marketing Research & Development
- ENTREPRENEUR: History of Business and Innovations
- INVENTOR: Theory and Practice of Innovations
- RHETOR: Coaching, Communications and Networking
- PROFESSIONAL: Career Orientation and Success Mapping
The Academic Programme consists of 3 main elements:
1st semester: BUSINESS THEORY in a game form
Weekend classes are conducted in an interactive form, when students are encouraged to ask questions, think creatively and participate in team-based games. During each course each student develops 8 basic intellects to become "the full potential", and his/her practical abilities to create business ideas and successfully implement them. Learning proceeds step-by-step from course to course, forming outstanding abilities in entrepreneurship.
Weekend classes are conducted in an interactive form, when students are encouraged to ask questions, think creatively and participate in team-based games. During each course each student develops 8 basic intellects to become "the full potential", and his/her practical abilities to create business ideas and successfully implement them. Learning proceeds step-by-step from course to course, forming outstanding abilities in entrepreneurship.
The 8 intellects Method is the IP developed by the MINIBOSS Business School’s scientists, which identifies the need for a holistic education approach. The 8 intellects are: IQ, EQ, PhQ, CQ, MQ, XQ, TQ and SQ, and it is critical that all of them are being developed so that the students become well-rounded individuals.
2nd semester: BUSINESS INCUBATOR - practice & creating startups end-to-end
The Programme puts a strong focus on developing students’ creativity and the principle of learning by doing, which is the reason for each course to be based on the 12 types of practice (e.g., master classes. business tours, Startup Forums, Startup Championships). The main practical experience comes from creating real-life startups within the Business Incubator framework, which covers all steps from the initial generation of a business idea to registering a business, making sales, and finishing at the National Startup Championship.
We teach our students how to generate business ideas, plan it into the startup and to be ready to pitch it on Startup Forums. Pitching is an opportunity to introduce their business idea in a limited amount time – from a fews seconds to a few minutes. You can use a presentation to underline your speech or just do it orally. The main goal of a pitch is to gain new customers, investors or stakeholders to support your business.
On 12 types of practice, EACH MINIBOSS STUDENT annually:
- Gets to know yourself BETTER!
- Learns to turn talents and knowledge into PRACTICE!
- Learns to interact in a TEAM!
- Learns to be a responsible LEADER!
- Learns to choose PRIORITIES!
- Learns to solve problems and make a CHOICE!
- Learns to PLAN his/her time!
- Studies businesses at MASTER CLASSES from VIPs!
- Studies world brands on Business tours!
- Learns to generate IDEAS!
- Presents an idea at the STARTUP FORUM!
- Learns to get INVESTMENTS from business angels
- Creates a START-UP from A to Z!
- Develops his/herself in the BUSINESS CAMP!
- Meets new FRIENDS!
The academic year (aligned with the academic program in mainstream schools), includes more than 900 academic hours of study and practice per annum, including 162 academic hours of the following mandatory elements:
The unique, highly effective Academic Programme, proven over many years, and the MINIBOSS methodology guarantees a successful result.
The academic year (aligned with the academic program in mainstream schools), includes more than 900 academic hours of study and practice per annum, including 162 academic hours of the following mandatory elements:
- 162 academic hours of business theory and practice,
- 40 academic hours of participation in Startup National and Startup World Cup Championships.
The unique, highly effective Academic Programme, proven over many years, and the MINIBOSS methodology guarantees a successful result.