New Intake

University of Auckland


About The University of Auckland

The University of Auckland is New Zealand’s leading university and the only one included in the Times Higher Education top 200.

Founded in 1883, it is also the highest ranked New Zealand university in the QS World University Rankings and Shanghai Jiao Tong Academic Ranking of World Universities. Some 35 percent of the top ranked academic researchers in New Zealand are at the University of Auckland.

Teaching and research is conducted over eight faculties and two large-scale research institutes. The university has a very strong Arts and Humanities programmes, the largest Science programme in New Zealand, and professional undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Architecture, Engineering, Law and Medicine.

It is the only New Zealand university invited to be a member of Universitas 21, the World Universities Network (WUN) and the Association of Pacific Rim Universities, consortia of prestigious global universities. In addition, the university engages regularly with the Go8 universities in Australia. These international linkages are vital to a teaching and research University which strives to be academically excellent and to provide its staff and students with the best possible educational and career opportunities.

Contact the University of Auckland

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The University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland 1142
New Zealand

0800 61 62 63 for student enquiries from within New Zealand
+64 9 373 7513 for student enquiries from outside New Zealand
+64 9 373 7999 for telephone receptionists, or
+64 9 373 7599 and the appropriate extension

Search email addresses for academic and a selection of professional staff in the University directory.

Search for academic and a selection of professional staff in the University directory.

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