New Intake


As a franchisee MINIBOSS your business school will become a center of business education for individuals and corporations / organizations.

Being a franchisee MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL, you will engage in an incredibly useful work and perform an inspirational role that is best suited for
individuals who:

• engaged in pedagogy, economics, psychology,
• have studied marketing and sales experience,
• have good business management skills,
• have the communication skills,
• can use their own extensive contact network,
• have a good experience and knowledge of regional business,
• have a desire to help others learn and grow,
• have a desire to have a successful business

or legal persons who:

• want to be socially useful high mission
• want to diversify the educational activities of the business,
• want to increase the effectiveness and credibility in the market of business education.

REQUIREMENTS for Franchisee (the Assignee / user):

• presence of desire and the desire to maintain high educational standards of MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL;
• availability of the necessary investment;
• availability of the necessary own or rented premises;
• observance in the activity of common marketing, technology and personnel standards in accordance with the requirements of TM «MINIBOSS BUSINESS SCHOOL»;
• focus on long-term partnerships.